
London Grammar avlyser Pstereo

...men for en erstatter!

London Grammar må avlyse sin Pstereo-opptreden, men festivalen har repet inn St. Vincent som erstatter. Og det er jo helt ok.

Vi sakser hardt og brutalt fra pressemelding:

— At vi klarer å hanke inn St. Vincent som erstatter for London Grammar er vi helt fantastisk fornøyd med. Vi så henne live på Stubb's under SXSW og ble helt slått i bakken. Dette er en av de absolutt mest spennende og unike artistene som er å finne om dagen, forteller Kim Aasli, bookingansvarlig ved Pstereo.

London Grammar kommenterer avlysningen slik:

"We are very sorry to announce that we will not be performing at Pstereo as billed. Due to a lengthy touring schedule over the last year and a half, Hannah has suffered with vocal fatigue which has forced us to cancel, at last minute, a number of recent shows. In order to maintain Hannah's voice and all of our well being, we have made the decision to withdraw from some of our upcoming festival performances. We are truly sorry for any inconvenience this causes and regret any disappointment of both our fans and festival organisers. Nevertheless we feel that our decision to reduce our workload is of great importance at this time. We hope you can understand and forgive us for the cancellation."