
Graveyard oppløses - les bandets avskjedsbrev her

Det svenske bandet har spilt mange ganger i Norge de siste årene.

Graveyard gir oss en tung beskjed i dag. Det virker nemlig som om bandet oppløses - eller i alle fall tar en lang pause. Det rapporterer Sveriges Radio.

Det betyr at alle de planlagte konsertene til bandet er avlyst, og det hele skal ha å gjøre med de mellommenneskelige relasjonene innad i bandet.

Gruppen gikk ut med et infoskriv på sin offisielle Facebook-side der de skriver følgende:

"Dark clouds above the graveyard today.

Due to the all so classic reason "differences within the band" the Graveyard is as of today officially closed. This is the unfortunate final decision we've had to make after going through a period of struggling n juggling with personal issues. Things have gone out of hand and now our energy is very low. As a direct result of this we're sorry to say that all scheduled touring is cancelled.

Graveyard have always been more about the music than the talking and that approach is the way we intend to deal with this situation also. What we can say is that we don't know if and when the Graveyard will re-open and return in full force.

Stay tuned, stay awesome & No endless night in sight.

Joakim, Axel, Truls, Jonatan"