
Skribentens konsertupplevelse väcker avsky

Utsattes för sexuella trakasserier – nu tar metalbandet ställning i hyllat inlägg.

Recensenten Rosie Solomon var på plats i Birmingham för att se det amerikanska metalbandet Baroness för tredje gången. Arbetsuppgiften var att skriva en recension – men istället fick hon fylla i en polisanmälan. Under spelningen blev hon sexuellt trakasserad av en manlig konsertbesökare som bland annat tryckte sitt skrev mot hennes ben upprepade gånger. 

Rosie Solomon använde istället sina tecken, som var tänkt till recensionen, för att skriva ut om den avskyvärda handlingen som hon utsattes för. Hon riktar bland annat ett stort tack till polisen som tog henne på största allvar och hoppas nu på att gärningsmannen hittas. Baroness reagerar stark på det som inträffat. Bandet från Georgia har gjort ett långt och hyllat inlägg på Facebook i samråd med Rosie Solomon.

"Mannen som beskrivs i artikeln, vem du än är, om du läser det här, håll dig borta från Baroness och vår publik. Vi behöver inte dig i publiken, vi vill inte ha dig i publiken", skriver bandet.

Läs hela inlägget i sin helhet här:

"This is the WORST review we've ever gotten (WE WANT YOU TO READ IT!). I hope we never read another article like this. The following article and coinciding text is posted with the active consent from Rosie Solomon, who wrote the review, and with whom we have offered whatever kind of apology we can:


We have always considered our audience, on the whole, to be overwhelmingly nice. We have far too many examples in support of thisstatement to list, and that's well beside the point anyhow. Since beginning, many years ago, we have sought to set and maintain a high moral/ethical standard for ourselves; just as we do for those in our audience who are willing to listen and meet get to know us, apart from our stage personae. Behind the façade of our music, lyrics, and occasional fanfare, beyond the stage, the amps, the drums and the all the other racket, we are utterly average human beings, whose opinions, thoughts, and experiences are extraordinarily similar to those of us without instruments, albums, and press-releases. We have families, partners, and children and a crew (many of whom are female). All this time, we have made an effort to recognize that any of our perceived popularity is likely some net-result or byproduct borne of our passion and love for music. In truth, we truly dislike the idea of separating ourselves, in any fundamental way, from our audience.

FACT: we have no tolerance for sexism, or any form of intolerant/insensitive behavior. In Baroness' real, functioning touring-world, we are witness to daily proof-by-example that gender exerts no weight on the scales of capability, strength or intelligence. Additionally, we are extremely sensitive to the gender-disparity that can exist, especially within the world of rock/metal music; and we are embarrassed and disturbed that Rosie (or anyone, for that matter) could have had such a terrible experience at one of our shows. (PLEASE NOTE: it is not any more or less important that this abuse occurred at a Baroness show, or even at a show at all.) IT SIMPLY SHOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED. Not in a club, on the street, at home. . . anywhere. The fact that this happened at a show that we put on brings the story more directly to our ears; and we felt immediately compelled to react. After speaking with Rosie Solomon, and gaining her permission, we decided to share her article. We can only hope, anxiously and hopefully, that someone who needs to read this does so, and pays attention to her story, in order that it might have a positive effect. I promise, not one person amidst the Baroness tour-party would show sympathy for the man in this article. We do not condone and we do not tolerate any form of sexual aggression or intolerance, nor will we ever. The man detailed in this article, whoever you are, if you read this post, stay the fuck away from Baroness and our audience. We don't need you at our show, we don't want you in our audience. - - - Baroness"