
Läs GAFFAs brev till Beyoncé och Jay-Z angående bojkotten

GAFFA.se – allt om musik

Ikväll gör Beyoncé och Jay-Z en gemensam spelning på Friends Arena i Stockholm, men GAFFA kommer i likhet med sina danska kollegor inte att rapportera från konserten. Alla pressfotografer nekas tillgång att fota under spelningen, och ett sånt förbud förstör den oberoende journalistiken, menar vi på GAFFA.

Efter att våra kollegor i Danmark gick ut med en bojkott lät även den stora danska tidningen Berlingske meddela att även de valde bort spelningen.

LÄS OCKSÅ: Därför täcker vi inte Beyoncé och Jay-Z:s Sverigespelning

För att uppmärksamma vår ståndpunkt har GAFFA i Sverige, Norge och Danmark skrivit ihop ett brev som för några dagar sändes över till båda stjärnornas management. Samma brev publiceras även här:

"Dear Parkwood Entertainment,

On behalf of GAFFA, Scandinavia's biggest music magazine and website with local issues in Denmark, Norway, and Sweden respectively (http://www.GAFFA.dkhttp://www.GAFFA.nohttp://www.GAFFA.se) and a total readership of 500,000 persons each month, I hereby confirm that we have decided not to cover the upcoming Beyoncé and Jay-Z concerts in Copenhagen and Stockholm on June 23 and 25. This decision is due to the ban of any other professional photographers than the official photographers from Parkwood Entertainment.

We consider our own professional photographer as a crucial part of our coverage of the events. By using the same official photos as any other media, our coverage will lose its uniqueness which in our opinion is in no interest of any Beyoncé and Jay-Z fan and the artists themselves.

GAFFA's photographers are extremely experienced and several of them have been winners of international and national photo awards, including Morten Rygaard, winner of International Photography Awards in 2015: https://www.photoawards.com/winner/?compName=IPA+2015

Morten Rygaard also won the award "Photographer of the Year" in 2009 by the international magazine Professional Photographer for a photo of Beyoncé, taken in Messecenter Herning, Denmark, 10 May 2009: https://www.nikon.dk/da_DK/news-press/news.tag/news/dk_0301_photographeroftheyear.dcr

We sincerely hope that you will reconsider your photo ban and will allow our photographer Morten Rygaard to cover the Beyoncé and Jay-Z concert in Copenhagen June 23 and our photographer Daniel Melin in Stockholm on June 25. In this case, we will send a photographer as well as a reviewer, otherwise there will be no coverage of the events at all.

Thank you very much in advance"

I skrivande stund har vi inte fått något svar.

SENASTE: Spelar i Sverige – trots nyopererad