– allt om musik
Gothikonen Peter Murphy, mest känd som frontman i Bauhaus, har lagts in på sjukhus efter att ha drabbats av en hjärtinfarkt innan en konsert i New York.
”Peters framförande och närvaro över dessa tolv senaste dagarna har varit otrolig. Både på och av scenen. Vi önskar honom en snabb och fullskalig återhämtning och ser fram emot hans återkomst“, skriver klubben Le Poisson Rouge i ett längre uttalande (läs hela längre ner).
Planen var att Peter Murphy skulle uppträda flera dagar på raken, men nu flyttas planerna framåt i tiden.
Peter Murphys familj kommenterar händelsen:
”Vi skulle vilja tacka alla fans för deras omåttligt stora stöd och hopp om att Peter kommer att äntra scenen igen med ett helt och återställt hjärta, starkare än någonsin.”
Klubbens statement i sin helhet:
"On the evening of Tuesday August 13, 2019, Peter Murphy was rushed to a local NYC hospital due to shortness of breath and was unable to perform the evening’s scheduled concert at Le Poisson Rouge. Early Wednesday morning, we were informed that Peter had suffered a heart attack.
Cardiologist Jason Song, MD of Lenox Hill Hospital treated Peter and issued the following statement:
'Mr. Murphy was admitted for treatment of a myocardial infarction. He had two stents placed in his right coronary artery and was started on medications to manage his heart condition. Due to HIPAA regulations we cannot reveal further details of his condition. He is still in the hospital for continued monitoring of his condition.'
Sadly due to the nature of this health event, Peter is physically unable to perform the remaining shows in the residency series, scheduled for August 15th, 16th, 18th, and 19th. These shows will be postponed to later dates to be determined. Ticket buyers will have their tickets transferred to the corresponding rescheduled date OR can request a refund by emailing [email protected] by 5PM EST on August 30, 2019.
Peter’s family has issued the following statement:
'We would like to thank the fans for their undying support and hope that Peter will be back on stage with a refreshed heart, stronger than before!-
Le Poisson Rouge issued the following statement:
'All of us at LPR are devastated by this news. Peter’s performance and presence over the past twelve days has been amazing - on stage and off. We wish Peter a swift and full recovery.'
Follow Peter Murphy and Le Poisson Rouge online for further updates on the rescheduled shows."
Kastades ut från Nalen
I slutet på förra året höll Bauhaus en konsert på Nalen i Stockholm, men frontmannen Peter Murphy var inte helt nöjd med kvällen vilket resulterade i kaos. Murphy kastade bland annat flaskor mot publiken, varav en skadade en besökare i ansiktet. Och när han senare kastades ut hamnade han i slagsmål med ordningsvakterna.
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